
Monday, July 14, 2008

who EVER made such decision?!

Just this morning, I was out of the first group which I was supposed to be in! I hate it when it happened - that my group mates and I be separated from each and every one from the group I used to be with, and from the CI whom I have grown close to.. XC

Much to my surprise was someone's overwhelming reaction to my moving out moment. He even motioned to go on bended knees, which is I think for fun only. O.o Then my critics [?!] have been laughing off because they knew I wanted NOT to move out, all eyes were staring with various emotions wanting me to be more quiet.

This morning, after the grievous announcement, I have tried to compensate for the loneliness by being comfortable with my new CI and my new group mates who are also actually part of my clique. I even tricked Ms. Nucup to admit that she still does bar hopping and all! haha. Stupid me! XD [she actually fell for it..XP]

There's a new dean, and in the process of disseminating facts through all the staff of our school, we had an early dismissal, 2 hours before our official end of classes, and we had to eat lunch, so we had 3 hours spent for extracurricular activities.

What we did was we went to Sheryl's place and ate free, sumptuous meal; played around with each other and with the baby, watched Miss Universe [which did not include our country's bet] and prepared for whatever we had to do before heading out to school...

Before moving up into a jitney, we were startled to have like more than one bus parked beside the market. We asked in which 'school' were they from, and we like fainted for one's answer: "CEU".

Back to Sheryl's house, the dilemma of either cutting classes or going back was raised because it has been so much of an idle time we just wanted to rest and sleep. We went back anyway since we were worried [or am I the only one?] of quizzes usually given at the following subjects about to take place...but everybody knows we did ample discussion and were given assignments for future topics to be reported. How rude.

During our last period, we were missing Ms. Susa that we were comparing the replacement to her. Well, I couldn't argue with that since it's really evident that our former CI is much better. To kick things off, Girlyn and I were passing notes on lyrics about being heartbroken. Boredom rules! hahaha.. and it's a good sign that I am NOT HEARTBROKEN anymore because I have found my joy. [and where did I just get that?!]

Before going home, I just had to have some treats! What I did get for myself was box of 3 of Gonuts Donuts which opened just recently. It's really very delightful, and I had to be grateful for having done so. I enjoyed my night. XD [pg alert!]

Then there's Enzo, whom Girlyn's tears were falling out for...

1 comment:

Zab said...

kate, brokenhearted? what happened? :(